Lesson Procedures and General (Studio)keeping Guidelines.
Thank you for putting your trust in me as your violin teacher. From years of teaching experience, I have compiled a list of studio policies. Please read this memo carefully, and keep
these things in mind in order to maximize your lesson time, and the care of my teaching studio in order that I can maintain my studio for the present and future years of enjoyment.
- Students are to remove their shoes upon entering the studio. This keeps the area fresh and clean…and free from debris collected during the day. Parents and other adults are exempt
from this policy.
- I encourage students to arrive a few minutes early for their lessons. Feel free to use the restroom and/or quietly take out your instrument in order to be ready to begin your
lesson when it is your time.
- Students: Make sure your hands are clean before handling your instrument.
- Siblings: Please be respectful of the studio furniture. (feet off the seats, do not sit on the arms, do not use ink pens that can stain the chairs or the rugs)
- Food is not to be eaten in the studio. Please help me keep the studio free from crumbs and bugs. I will on occasion, have a special treat for the children. However, I
respectfully ask that these items be taken outside, and eaten after the lesson or group class.
- Please help me keep my carpets free of stains by only allowing your children to drink water in the studio.
- For the safety of the students, and maintenance of my home, students, parents, and siblings are expected to stay in the studio area. Please do not allow your children to play on
the stairs, or wander up to the living area of my home.
- Make Up Lessons. I do not offer make-up lessons. If a student is sick, I will teach them over the phone, or by Skype. If, on the rare occasion a lesson is missed by
me….I will, of course, make up that lesson. However, if a student does not show up for the rescheduled time, that lesson is forfeited.
- Last lessons of the day: If a parent or sibling needs use of my restroom, please try to take care of that BEFORE the end of the lesson. I so appreciate your cooperation in
packing up in a timely manner, allowing us both to move onto the next portion of our day. I will often have a rehearsal to attend, or a family obligation, and I never want to seem like I am
rushing a client out the door, so please help me keep my schedule moving along. (thanks!)